Subject Master

Managing subjects as per the state board, CBSE or any other board is very much important for any educational institute. Further more every subjects may have many sub subjects integrated and needs to be taken in consideration properly. Campus On Click offers subject master module with the goal of maintaining each and every subjects, sub subjects and topics effectively and efficiently which enhances accuracy of the management and teachers.


  • Pre-defined subject

    Campus On Click Subject master includes most of the common subjects which are or can be offered to various standards, class and mediums for various board.

  • Easy assigning

    Each subject can be assigned to multiple standards and class easily using this module.

  • Compulsory and Optional Subject Feature

    Campus On Click offers a unique feature which enables school management to assign compulsory subjects to all the classes and at the same time offers optional subjects to particular student groups which they can select or ignore.

Subject Master

Key Features of Subject Master

Key Features Image
  • Easy Integration
  • Perfectly Managed Subjects
  • Allows customization
  • Integrated with different standards and class